All About AgeJet
The AgeJet is a non-ablative skin resurfacing device that uses medical grade nitrogen plasma to rejuvinate and illuminate your skin. Because it is not ablative, it does not very painful and does not require any major downtime. With one treatment you can improve your skin tone, texture, and visible signs of aging.
AgeJet Eyes
You do not need to sacrifice downtime or discomfort for the AgeJet non-surgical blepheroplasty.
AgeJet Rejuvination
Get rid of signs of aging and sun damage with AgeJet. This treatment helps brighten and tighten the skin to eliminate wrinkles, jowling, and continues to stimulate collegen even 3 months after the treatment is completed.
AgeJet Intimate
Whether due to genetics, aging, or a history of giving birth, AgeJet intimate helps to tighten your labia with a simple and painless 10 minute treatment!